3 things to do to BE a writer | With a K Writing

I’ve always known that I wanted to be a writer. But I haven’t always known how to actually…well…BE a writer. I mean, I learned fairly early on how to write things: sentences, paragraphs, stories, poems…but that’s not what it takes to really be a writer. It’s a big piece of it, but it’s only a piece.…

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A few weeks ago, I went on the trip of a lifetime. I didn’t go on rides at Disneyland or see a Broadway show in New York City, & I didn’t go to Scotland to search for a family castle either. I will someday though. Sup, Clan MacLeod! I went to San Francisco; it wasn’t my first…

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If you’ve been reading my blog for any time at all, you’ve heard me talk about these 2 things at least eleven times: Embracing your Voice & Finding Your Great Big Why. In my experience, these 2 things are really important Pre-Prewriting steps any writer should take in order to start really focusing in on her message & sharing it confidently.…

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