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Stop Hiding your Expert Badge: Speak up and Claim it now | Tuesday Tips

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I know it feels weird to say, “I’m an Expert” But you are. Deal with it. Nobody hands out “Expert” badges when you magically pass the invisible finish line of expert-hood. It just doesn’t happen. So today, you will be earning your Official “With a K: Kickstander Merit Badge for Expertise and Guts in business.”…

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Free Checklist – How to Effectively Revise and Edit your Writing to a Shine | Tuesday Tips | Writing Coach

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You know you have to Revise and Edit your writing to make it great… But how do you know when it’s done? You use a checklist, of course! Because then you get to make checkmarks on a list, and that is just about the most satisfying thing ever – at least since we all learned to…

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5 Ways for Writers to Organize Ideas

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How can you organize ideas in a way that will make everything clear and more fun? I know I spend a lot of time harping on you guys to organize your ideas and plan your writing. Now, we’re talking about Revising, and I’m saying you have to re-organize your writing after the fact, if it…

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How to use Revising and Editing to Clean up Your Writing Process | Tuesday Tips

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Writing Process? What does that even mean?! First things, first: a Refresher! The Writing Process has 5 steps. I’ve talked (preached) about the first 2 steps in detail already, but I’ll give you a quick reminder anyway: 1. Prewriting – this is where you figure out and plan ahead all of the important bits and pieces…

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Writing Process Checklist – 5 Ways to Find Your Writing Flow | Tuesday Tips

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Check out This week’s Writing Tips for Drafting in the Writing Process: There is almost nothing worse than sitting down to write a column, blog post, speech or article that you care about – only to have that horrible “I can’t even” feeling of writers’ block. I know it. I’ve felt it, and I hate it…

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Use Your Words! How to Amp up Your Writing with Imagery | Tuesday Tips | Writing Coach

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Your friendly, neighbourhood Writing Coach is just a little bit distracted today. I am surrounded by rolls of packing paper, ready-to-build cardboard boxes, bubble wrap and packing tape. I’m moving in two weeks ladies, and in the process of packing, I have realized something significant about myself. I am a book hoarder. I don’t have lots…

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Kris Windley

I'm a writer, editor, illustrator, teacher, mother of two and enthusiastic cat-belly snuggler.

I write about Writing, Business and Blogging...and sometimes about Changing the World. 

Because if you're going to worry about commas and cash flow and social shares, you can pay attention to empathy and kindness too, right?



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    Articles and Resources to help you find your brand voice - and use it in your small business or not-for-profit organization to make a big impact.

  • Change the World

    Articles and Resources to help you take your mission, small business or writing skill and turn it into an engine for change in the world around you.